News & Notices

July 8, 2024 Plan Commission Agenda

By Tammy Beranek | July 5, 2024

TOWN OF WOODLAND  SAUK COUNTY PLAN COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024 6:30P.M. Call Meeting to Order Verification of Postings Minutes of the June 10, 2024 Regular Meeting Building Permits/Certified Surveys/Driveway Permits Public Comments Adjourn                                                                                            Nancy Dieck, Clerk                                                                                          Town of Woodland                                                                                       

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July 8, 2024 Board Agenda

By Tammy Beranek | July 5, 2024

TOWN OF WOODLANDMONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETINGMONDAY, JULY 8, 2024 7:00P.M.WOODLAND TOWN HALL(Immediately following the Plan Commission Mtg)AGENDA*Call to Order*Pledge of Allegiance*Approve the Agenda*Verification of Postings*Minutes of June 10, 2024 Regular Town Meeting*Financial Report*Building Permits/Certified Surveys/Driveway Permits*Bridge/Road Report*Public Comments*Review of Monthly Bills and Approval for Payment*AdjournNancy Dieck, Clerk

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DUMP Hours

By townweb | February 6, 2024

TOWN of WOODLAND Wednesdays:     10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Saturdays:           8:00 AM – Noon Sundays:             8:00 AM – 10:00 AM  

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Bldg permit application

By townweb | January 16, 2023

County of SaukTown of WoodlandApplication for Building Permit For use by Principal Authority Application number: Application Fee Received by______________ Date received: Amount $50.00 Non-RefundableA. Project Location________1/4 ________1/4 Section_____ T_____ R______Project estimated value$_______________________B. Applicant Applicant is: ❑ Owner or ❑ Authorized agent of ownerLast nameFirst nameStreet addressUnit numberLot/con.Postal codeE-mailTelephone number ( )Fax ( )Cell number ( […]

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By townweb | January 16, 2023
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By townweb | January 16, 2023
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